POs, PSOs, Cos

Raje Ramrao Mahavidyalaya, Jath

Department of History

POs, PSOs, Cos

Programme Outcomes

After completion of this Programme students will be able to:

POs1: Apply and Demonstrate practical knowledge of the subject in diverse sectors

POs2: Elucidate and explain the basic and fundamental concepts, critical terms and theories, advanced concepts and techniques in the programme.

POs3: Comprehend, Comment and appreciate literature in developing aesthetic, emotional, mental, moral, intellectual skills of an individual and creating a healthy society.

POs4: Relate the implications as well as influences of environmental, socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-political literature to the daily life and how they can providesolutions to the social, political, economic, environmental and cultural issues through written articles, novels, dramas, poetries and stories to spread the message ofequality, nationality, social harmony, ecosystem, fraternity, brotherhood, etc.

POs5: Evaluate and analyze critically the literature inrelation to social issues and appreciate the strength, understand the challenges andsuggest the required and beneficial improvements for better results.

POs6: Apply multiple paradigms of literature and social sciences to make the life of human beings more joyful and meaningful.

POs7: Increase the participation in various social, political, environmental and cultural activities.

POs8: Establish an independent identity and constructa multifaceted and overall personality to enrich earning skills

POs9: Apply knowledge of literature in connection with social, economic, cultural, political and environmental approachesto cultivate human and moral valueswhich generate responsibility and positive attitude for leading well balancedlife for nation building.

POs10: Enrich and demonstrate development of communication skills like, listening, speaking, reading and writingwhich will help to express ideas, thoughts and views effectively. 

Programme Specific Outcomes

On completion of graduation programme, students are able to:

PSOs 1. To acquaint students with the past and present of ethos and reality through teaching and research in History.

PSOs 2. On graduating, the students will be eligible for employment in tourism, Museum, media, and other field. Students also become employable in non-governmental organizations.

PSOs 3. To prepare students for a range of careers by teaching them courses which will impart them with a set of transferable skills while studying History.

PSOs 4. To acquaint the students with the various Indian and foreign traditions of History writing and the debates generated about the nature of History as a discipline.

PSOs 5. To provide students with critical understanding of Indian society, economy, polity and culture through a Historical perspective

PSOs 6. They will also be able to appear for competitive examinations conducted for public sector jobs. The general humanities education equips them to clear competitive exams.

PSOs 7. To stimulate intellectual curiosity and research attitude in the students through the study and research of local, regional, national and global History.

PSOs 8. It introduces the students to major concepts, ideas and events which created the modern world so that they will be able to place Historical events in a larger context.

Course Outcomes

B.A. Part - I, Semester- I

1. Paper No: I Rise of the Maratha Power (1600-1707)

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Describe the political conditions of the Marathas upto the year 1707

Cos 2. Describe the rise and growth of the Maratha Empire

Cos 3. Explain the role of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja.

Cos 4. Explain the role of rulers like Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, Chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj and Maharani Tarabai

B.A. Part - I, Semester- II

2. Paper No. II Polity, Society and Economy under the Marathas (1600-1707)

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1.Give an account of the Polity, Society and Economy under the Marathas

Cos 2. Elucidate the significant developments which took place in Polity, society and Economy

Cos 3.Acquaint himself with the contribution of the Society.

Cos 4. Explain the thought and work of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja for Polity, society and Economy.

B.A.-II, Semester -III

3. Paper III- History of Modern Maharashtra (1900 to 1960)

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1.Understand the beginnings and growth of nationalist consciousness in Maharashtra

Cos 2. Explain the contribution of Maharashtra to the national movement

Cos 3. Give an account of various movements of the peasants, workers, women and backward classes

Cos 4. Know the background and events which led to the formation of separate state of Maharashtra.

 4. Paper IV: History Of India (1757-1857)

After studying this course, the student will…

Cos 1. Acquaint himself with significant events leading to establishment of the rule of East India Company

Cos 2. Know the colonial policy adopted by the company to consolidate its rule in India

Cos 3. Understand the structural changes initiated by colonial rule in Indian economy.

Cos 4. Explain the various revolts against rule of the East India Company.

IDS PAPER I: Social Reforms In India

After completion of the course, the student will be able to …

Cos 1. Understand the salient features of prominent socio-religious reform movements

Cos 2. Explain the thought and work of Mahatma Phule for radical transformation of Indian society

Cos 3. Know the measures taken by Rajashri Shah Maharaj for emancipation of lower classes and women

Cos 4. Understand the thoughts of Ambedkar on the annihilation of the caste system and untouchability in India

Cos 5. Know how the Indian constitution embodies the values of social justice and equality


5. Paper- V: History of Modern Maharashtra (1960-2000)

After completion of the course, the student will…

Cos 1. Acquaint himself with the contribution of eminent leaders of Maharashtra

Cos 2. Know about the economic transformation of Maharashtra

Cos 3. Understand the salient features of changes in society

Cos 4. Explain the growth of education

6. Paper VI: History of Freedom Struggle (1858-1947)

After completion of this course, the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Understand the events which lead to the growth of nationalism in India

Cos 2. Acquaint himself with major events of the freedom struggle under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi 3. Explain the contribution of Revolutionaries, Left Movement and Indian National Army

Cos 4. Know the concept of Communalism and the causes and effects of the partition of India

IDS Paper- II: Social Reforms in Maharashtra

After studying the course, the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Know about the beginnings of social reforms in Maharashtra by the Paramhansa Mandali and Prarthana Samaj.

Cos 2. Understand the contribution of women reformers

Cos 3. Explain the contribution of Social reformers in the fight for social justice

 Cos 4. Explain the role played by educational reforms in transformation of society.

B.A. Part -III, Semester –V

7. Paper No. VII:  Early India (from beginning to 4th c. BC)

After studying the course the student will be able to …

Cos 1. Understand the transition of humans in India from Hunters to Farmers

Cos 2. Explain the transition from Early to Later Vedic period.

Cos 3. Clarify the causes for the first and second urbanizations

Cos 4. Give an account of the teachings of Gautama Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira

Cos 5.Describe the rise and growth of the Mauryan Empire

Cos 6. Explain the salient features of Ashoka’s Dhamma

8. Paper No. VIII: History of Medieval India (1206-1526 AD )

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Describe the different types of historical sources available for writing the history of medieval India

Cos 2. Explain the contributions of medieval rulers like Allaudin Khilji, Muhammad-binTuqhlaq, Krishnadevraya, and Mahmud Gavan

Cos 3. Give an account of the administration and economy of the Delhi sultanate and Vijayanagar Empire

Cos 4. Elucidate the significant developments which took place in religion, society and culture

9. Paper No. IX: Age of Revolutions

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Explain the causes and consequences of the Reformation

Cos 2. Give an account of the role played by Martin Luther

Cos 3. Explain the salient features of the Industrial revolution

Cos 4. Given an account of the American revolution

Cos 5. Explain the causes, effects and major events of French Revolution

Cos 6. Explain the role of major leaders of the French Revolution

10. Paper No. X: Political History of the Marathas

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Describe the political conditions of the Marathas upto the year 1740

Cos 2. Explain the role of Balaji Bajirao.

Cos 3. Explain the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat.

 Cos 4. Understand the political condition of the Marathas after 1761.

Cos 5. Critically analyze the causes for the decline of Maratha power.

11. Paper No. XI: History: Its Theory

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Understand the definition and scope of the subject of History

 Cos 2. Know the process of acquiring historical data

Cos 3. Explain the process of presenting and writing history

Cos 4. Understand the methods of writing history

B.A. Part- III, Semester- VI

12. Paper No. XII:  Ancient India (From 4th c. BC to 7th c. AD)

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Know the political ,economic and religious developments which took place in early historic India

Cos 2. Explain the role played by Major Satavahana, Kushana, Gupta and Vakataka Kings

Cos 3. Give an account of the developments in the Post-Gupta period

Cos 4. Have an informed opinion about the society and culture of Ancient India

13. Paper No. XIII:  History of Medieval India ( 1526-1707 AD )

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Know about the various sources for writing Medieval Indian history

Cos 2. Explain the role of rulers like Babar, Akbar, Chandbibi and Ibrahim Adilshah II

Cos 3. Gain knowledge about the administrative and revenue system

Cos 4. Describe the condition of Industry and trade

Cos 5. Explain important developments in religion, society and culture

14. Paper No. XIV:  Making of the Modern World (16th to 19th Century)

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Know the causes and consequences of the Glorious revolution in England

Cos 2. Explain the concept of Nationalism and account for its rise and spread.

Cos 3. Describe the unification of Italy and Germany.

Cos 4. Give an account of the rise, growth and impact of Imperialism

Cos 5. Explain the significance of the Partition of Africa

Cos 6. Know the life and thoughts of important leaders like Metternich, Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln

15. Paper No. XV:  Polity, Economy and Society under the Marathas

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Know the various sources for writing the history of the Marathas

Cos 2. Explain the significant developments in the polity of the Marathas

Cos 3. Describe the economic conditions

Cos 4. Explain the social conditions.

16.Paper  No. XVI:  Methods and Applications of History

After studying the course the student will be able to…

Cos 1. Understand the nature of archival sources

Cos 2. Gain conceptual clarity about recent trends in history.

Cos 3. Know about the application of history in museums.

Cos 4. Explain the concept and scope of heritage tourism.

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